This is a prophetic warning. God first told me this thru Ezekiel 33, a watchman who is told to warn of danger, 15 years ago. It is God's will for the Jews to return to Israel. Scriptures say this. I used to tell them and they would say, "that's crazy, it's safer here." When 911 happened, God told me "Tell them NOW". God told me to say "the sword is coming". This is right out of Ezekiel 33.
The expression New World Order has been around for years. Hitler used it (I saw it on a newspaper in Jerusalem from Nazi Germany). It refers to a plan to have a one world government which is opposed to God and Christ. It is the same spirit as Nazism. The New World Order is the Fourth Reich. Pat Robertson wrote a book by that title. Those behind the cabal to create it are David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbig Brzezinsky, and the other politicos, European Royalty, world bankers and CEO's of multinational corporations who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission. Dan Estulin has written The True History of the Bildebergers. Those people have an agenda to destroy the sovereignty of the US and replace it with the one world government run by the banking elite, which unfortunately includes bankers like the Rothschilds which have manipulated economic crises and wars for years. One doesn't read about this conspiracy in the mainstream media because they are part of the cabal-they attend the meetings and agree not to cover what is discussed. But the independent media have been onto them for quite awhile. Check out Alex Jones (radio host) site He has many movies free on youtube which talk about this. He says their plans have been thwarted by exposure of them.
"All we need is the right crisis and the masses will accept the New World Order" Says David Rockefeller, who calls himself a "globalist"
George H.W. Bush said in a speech on 911 l993 that "the gulf war is the first test of the new world order."
A supernatural prophetic warning: when Homeland Security was formed, there appeared in the Boston Globe on Oct 9 2001 an article about it and a picture of Bush and Tom Ridge in front of a flag. The flag that appeared in the picture was not an American flag, but a swastika. I and others saw this. This was a supernatural warning about the spirit of Homeland Security being the same spirit as Nazi Germany; a fascist police state. The Nazis called it the Fatherland.
Jim Marrs' best-selling book The Rise of the Fourth Reich talks about how Nazism went underground and is surfacing now. The Holy Spirit gave me a "witness" that the book is telling the truth. It is not fiction.