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5 Feb 2024

"Unwelcome Illegals" While Some Country Gullibly "Welcome Country"

 “We don't have a country if we don't have a border!” Alex Jones, July 10, 2010

by David J. Stewart

Photo to Right: Students in Whittier, California, protested the immigration bill by desecrating the American flag. (Courtesy Whittier Daily News)

Illegal Immigrants should NOT be allowed to stay in the US! It is high treason for our political leaders in Washington D.C. to do nothing as millions of illegals flood across the border. President Barack Obama has betrayed his oath of office and the American people. 

Illegals are breaking THE LAW. If you are a Hispanic American citizen, then I am your friend. If you are illegally here in America, then you ought to be arrested and put into prison or thrown out of the country! We don't have a country if we don't have a border!

What's happening is that greedy corporations have sold out America's sovereignty in order to further their globalist agendas that make them more money. They're exploiting slave labor worldwide. The Beast system of the coming Antichrist, i.e., the New World Order, is being built upon the love of money, the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). From top to bottom in the system, wicked people have sold their souls for a dollar. Judges have been paid off. Lawyers have been paid off. CPS has been paid off. The CIA, FBI, NSA, TSA, Homeland Security, and hundreds of others organizations are all in bed together, all falling under the control of The Council On Foreign Relations. America has been hijacked by thieving criminals. Politicians have been paid off, and many blackmailed to go along or else! J. Edgar Hoover blackmailed hundreds of Washington politicians as the founder of the F.B.I., gathering spy data on key politicians and officials. Hoover was a homosexual criminal thug!

Unfortunately, illegals are here to stay because of the evil New World Order gang who are committed to the destabilizing and destruction of the United States. The purpose of the deliberate open borders is to bring down real wages, establish a large group of non-citizens who will eagerly go against the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution to receive amnesty, and ultimately destroy American sovereignty in order to eliminate the U.S. as an obstacle to achieving a Global Government by the criminal Banksters.

Tens-of-millions of illegal immigrants are economically destroying the United States...

"Statistics tell the story: About 60 percent of deportation orders are ignored. In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants and 60 percent of outstanding felony warrants are for illegal aliens. American taxpayers are paying for the crimes of the 8,000 convicted aliens not yet caught and the incarceration costs of those who have been, estimated to add up to more than $1 billion a year — in just the states that border Mexico.

Because of illegal immigrants, free medical care has degraded and closed some of America’s finest emergency medical facilities and caused hospital bankruptcies: 84 California hospital are closing their doors forever." —SOURCE

Don't buy the lie that illegals are working the jobs that Americans don't want. The truth is that no one living in America can live on petty wages, unless you live with twenty or thirty other Mexicans under one roof. It is evil what is happening to America's LEGAL citizens. In fact, American citizens are now competing with illegals for the remaining minimum wage jobs in the United States!!!!!!

America is being stolen away from it's rightful tax-paying citizens. And the sickest thing of all is that our own government leaders are selling us out, Democrats and Republicans alike. Most top leaders of our nation and those committing crimes against the American people in The White House are members of The Council On Foreign Relations (which is the visible organization of the New World Order). These people are thug criminals! The New World Order is the corporate takeover of nations. Nations don't rule the world, corporations do! Many corporations now have their own private militias.

There needs to be a trial by the people, for the people, and a hanging in Washington D.C. of all the treasonous criminals who are looting America, exploiting our troops to murder millions of innocent people and destroy our nation's sovereignty. Tens-of-thousands of bankers, lawyers, politicians, judges, corporate leaders, newsmedia deceivers and lawmakers would be brought to justice and executed. The American people would rejoice to get their country back! Proverb 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Today in America, the people mourn! This evil has come upon us because of our wickedness in the United States. God has given us over to wicked leaders to afflict us, and bring us into bondage.

Our Nation is Being Subverted

But the problem goes much deeper than the present illegal immigrant crisis.  Few Americans realize, or care to realize, that our nation is deliberately being subverted from Washington D.C.  Literally, America's CITIZENS (not illegals), are being stabbed in the back and sold into slavery by their own leaders.  The godless "Federal Reserve" system is nothing more than a term which Americans are familiar with hearing; BUT, have no idea of the diabolic conspiracy behind it's creation to utterly BANKRUPT the United States.  As of March 2006, we were $9,000,000,000,000 in federal debt!!!  We are beyond the point of no return!  America is headed for financial destabilization and destruction!

The borders have been deliberately left open for many years, to undermine America's workforce and sovereignty.  Multitudes of the largest American companies have gone overseas, or down to Mexico, to exploit cheap labor.  As a result, American citizens no longer can find a decent paying job.  Unemployment statistics are bogus, not counting people who have already been laid off for 6 months or longer.  What a joke!  The government is lying to and deceiving America's CITIZENS.  Our Public school system is a massive nationwide failure!  America's children are deliberately being dumbed down.  Morally, every form of vile filth is being promoted on TV, from Disney's Desperate Housewives, to the abominable Jerry Springer Show.  It is no secret that the entire rock music industry has it's roots in Satanism.  America is the world's leading producer of pornography and smut.  In so many ways, the traditional family is under attack.  Bigger prisons are being built.  Churches are being burned to the ground.  Christians are being arrested for speaking the truth.  Gays and lesbians are appearing everywhere.  How much of this wickedness will God tolerate?

America's streets have been flooded with illegal drugs, compliments of the CIA (cocaine import agency).  Leaders in congress, such as Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney, have exposed these great evils within our own government.  Former police officer, Mike Ruppert, has much to say concerning the government's deliberate drug trafficking in the U.S.  Our own government has betrayed us!  Wake up America!  Our nation is being destroyed from within!  No doubt, the greatest blame for the subversion of America rests upon it's ignorant, complacent, and apathetic citizens.  Do you realize that 5% of the U.S. workforce is now illegal immigrants?  It is tragic!

58% of All Mexicans Say U.S. Southwest Belongs to Mexico

Even worse, many Mexican immigrants are claiming that the U.S. was theirs to begin with, and we stole it from them...

A healthy majority of Mexicans claim that their country rightfully owns much of the southwestern United States, while most Americans believe Washington should adopt stricter immigration standards and deploy U.S. troops along the border, a new poll says.

According to a just-published survey conducted by Zogby International, the polling firm found that a majority of Mexicans say the U.S. southwest "rightfully belongs to Mexico," and that Mexican citizens should be able to come into those areas freely, without U.S. permission.

The poll found that 58 percent of Mexicans agree with the statement, "The territory of the United States' southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico." -SOURCE

Where will this all end?  The result is inevitable ... the United States will increasingly deteriorate to a third world nation in a matter of decades.  With hospitals disappearing, health care costs skyrocketing, companies offering fewer benefits to employees, personal bankruptcies soaring in 2005, and illegal immigrants bleeding the economy to death--the future of America can only be bleak!  The average American doesn't care because it hasn't affected them YET.  The reason why is because the Federal DEBT is absorbing all the costs!  But WE taxpaying CITIZENS have to pay all that money back!!!  The Federal Reserve (private bankers) are lending hundreds-of-billions at a time to our reckless and irresponsible politicians, who shouldn't be borrowing anything.  There is coming a day when the U.S. government will have no choice but to default on their loans from other nations.  The day will come when the Federal Reserve (private bankers) decide not to loan the U.S. government any more money.  At this time, control of the U.S. will be confiscated by the CFR and the United Nations.  Just as the fool who thinks he's rich because he has a credit card, American's are idiots to think that our government can recklessly and wildly spend money like there's no tomorrow, without there being severe repercussions and consequences in the future for our children.

The southwestern states do NOT belong to Mexico!  I am not against legal immigrants; but, illegals should go back to where they came from.  To say otherwise is to spit on America's citizens, which is exactly what many illegal immigrants do.  If it's illegal, it's ILLEGAL!  To allow illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. sends the wrong message to future wannabe illegal immigrants.  The message is clear ... "The government in Washington is betraying the American people by leaving the borders wide open, so bring the whole family."

Kids Forbidden from Being Patriotic!

Who would have thought that a day would come in America when school children would be forbidden from being patriotic!  Because of the anger of Mexicans in America over the border issue, many school administrators are forbidding America's young people from wearing anything patriotic.  This is unbelievable!!!  This is America, and America's kids are being told NOT to wear American flags on their sleeves, or T-shirts promoting America.  How wicked and evil this has all become.  Who would have thought that there would come such a day as this?  I mean, this is OUR nation and we can't even celebrate it anymore. 

Don't you see what's happening?  We are losing our country to elite internationalists who could care less about American sovereignty.  They are exploiting America's government, laws, military, resources, and economy for their own selfish agendas.  Our top politicians are puppets.  And don't kid yourself, the national deficit isn't going any direction except higher.  In the end, it will be the irreparable destruction of our countries' sovereignty. 

Think about it ... American children being threatened with discipline if they wear anything patriotic to school.  If this doesn't make you mad, then you should leave the United States and live elsewhere.  I mean, it's like a stranger off the street coming into your home, that you own, and telling you not to hang an American flag outside.  It's bad enough that America has been flooded with illegal immigrants, now we can't even be patriotic for fear of them.  Since they're here ILLEGALLY, they should all be sent back, even if it takes a couple years to bus them all back. 

Furthermore, why is our government even considering giving them amnesty?  Criminals should not be allowed to break the law.  Ecclesiastes 8:11 states, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."  By not enforcing the law, we are encouraging people to continue to break the law ... and they are! 

This is not about racial discrimination, it is about protecting our nation.  It's about enforcing the laws of the land.  Suspect Washington politicians should be arrested and put on trial for failing to enforce the law.  I get sick every time I hear George W. Bush talk about protecting America against the threat of Iraq (10,000 miles away), while our borders remain wide open.  What a scam!  Iraq never was a threat.  As usual, we've been lied to.  It's time for the American people to unite together against the evils in this nation, and work for change.  Thank God for leaders like Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Congressman Ron Paul, and others, who are fighting for the American people.  Information is crucial, and we need to educate as many people as possible to what's going on, so they can stand against it too.

Companies Who Hire Illegals Should be Prosecuted!

But let's not just blame the government.  Who's hiring these illegal immigrants as slave labor, paying them under the table?  American companies!   The government actually encourages the hiring of illegal immigrants by not prosecuting companies for doing so.  Every business who knowingly hires an illegal immigrant should automatically by shut down.  The company owner and management should be held in violation of the law!  Fines should be severe.  It's becoming so bad in America, that large companies are knowingly hiring illegal aliens by the hundreds, knowing full well that the workers have fake documentation.  Why do companies hire illegals?  To save money, of course. 

But there's more.  Illegals are easily manipulated.  If an illegal causes trouble, or a female doesn't succumb to the sexual advances of an immoral boss, they are threatened with exposure.  It is a great evil upon America.  These workers DON'T pay a dime in taxes; BUT, they collect welfare, put their kids in our schools, receive food stamps, receive free medical, etc.   It is so wrong and un-American! 

The first thing many police officers ask, when approached by a suspect illegal immigrant, is for their Social Security Number.  Of course, the illegal immigrant shuts-up and leaves quickly.  These illegal foreigners are living on America's streets, posing a major threat to society.  I heard a recent news report that 42 illegal immigrants were found living in one apartment!  Is it any wonder that, In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants and 60 percent of outstanding felony warrants are for illegal aliens? -SOURCE.  So the blame also rests upon unethical greedy companies who are eagerly willing to break the law to boost profits and reduce worker complaints.  Ultimately, the blame rests upon the American people for not speaking out louder against this great evil.  It's America's church congregations who should be speaking out the loudest; BUT, they are completely silent.  If they won't cry out against the murderous evils of abortion, then why should they care about anything else?  Indifference is destroying America!


In conclusion, I'm not against LEGAL immigration, and I welcome foreigners; BUT, when they disregard our laws and ILLEGALLY enter OUR country, they are criminals and should be dealt with as such.  I realize that there are all types of sob stories and reasons WHY Latin Americans are defending their own people; however, such attempts to undermine our laws are EVIL!  It will be the same when lost sinners stand before God on judgment day.  I can here them now, demanding a lawyer.  God will cast them into Hell, and there will be absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. 

There will be justice, unlike America today.  I here these Benedict Arnolds on the news trying to defend ILLEGAL immigration by claiming that America is the land of opportunity.  Yes, but not for criminals!!!  When American sympathy is shown for illegal immigrants, while 84 hospitals in California have already been FORCED to close because of illegal immigrants, something is VERY WRONG with the U.S. government.  America's CITIZENS are being betrayed by their own leaders!!!  We must speak out!

2 Jan 2024

NARNIA and Satanism Exposed

Within 15 minutes of the opening scene, viewers of Walt Disney's movie, NARNIA, are face to face with Pan, the pagan fertility god which Wiccan witches worship and adore worldwide.  The image to the left pictures PAN, the pagan sex god.  The image to the right is a statue of the character, Mr. Tumnus, in NARNIA.  Pan is deceitfully renamed to "Tumnus" in the movie, but anyone who is familiar with Satanism and witchcraft can instantly recognize Pan, the evil sexually-perverted god...

"Despite the declaration of his death, however, Pan is widely worshiped by Neopagans and Wiccans today, where he is considered a powerful God and an archetype of male virility and sexuality." -WIKIPEDIA

"Pan is famous for his sexual prowess, and is often depicted with an erect phallus. He was believed by the Greeks to have plied his charms primarily on maidens and shepherds, such as Daphnis. Though he failed with Syrinx and Pitys, Pan didn't fail with the Maenads—he had every one of them, in one orgiastic riot or another. To effect this, Pan was sometimes multiplied into a whole tribe of Panes." -WIKIPEDIA

"It is likely that the demonized images of the incubus and even the horns and cloven hooves of Satan, as depicted in much Christian literature and art, were taken from the images of the highly sexual Pan." -WIKIPEDIA

In lieu of such evidence, how can any professed Christian endorse such a demonic movie as NARNIA?   Yet, Christians all across America are praising this evil movie which promotes Satan.  Look at the photo of Tumnus to the left.  Please notice the Devil's horns coming out of his head.  In NARNIA, Tumnus is one of the good characters.  Do you think this is all just a coincidence?  No my friend, Satan is working relentlessly to poison the minds of our children.  Tragically, the average Christian parent is so woefully ignorant of the Word of God that they are easy prey for Satanic deceptions.  This is why so many professed Christians see no harm in Harry Potter.  Folks, 1st Samuel 15:23 declares that witchcraft is a SIN.  What if Harry Potter were going to the school of immoral sex or cold-blooded murder?  Don't you accept the Biblical teaching that witchcraft is a wicked sin?  Worldly believers have become desensitized by Rock-n-Roll, late night shows, Hellivision, etc.  It is tragic that sin is no longer recognized as sin!

NARNIA and Pedophilia

Lucy Pevensie's character and Mr. Tumnus' character (played by James McAvoy), and their subtle interactions, give the impression of a pedophile trying to lure a little girl into his house.  The whole scene is creepy and the spirit of pedophilia is definitely at work in this movie.  Tumnus (Pan, a faun) represents the Devil, trying to seduce a young girl.  The FACT that Tumnus is modeled after Pan, one of the most sexually perverted gods in witchcraft, doesn't bode well for Walt Disney's intentions.  If you doubt what I am saying, you won't by the end of this article.  In fact, you are going to be sickened.  Furthermore, Tumnus' and his flute have magical powers, just like the Devil.  Tumnus puts the little girl to sleep with his music.  The next scene shows the little girl waking up and Tumnus crying, claiming that he has done something very bad.  The subtle implication is that he sexually molested her.  Remember folks, pan is the demonic pagan god of sexual perversion and rape.  In fact, most images of pan show him with an erection.

Furthermore, the movie encourages little girls to trust strangers.  In today's world, Tumnus would be considered a pedophile.  No man with a brain would bring a strange little girl alone into his home.  The whole atmosphere created by this scene is one of pedophilia.  Also notice how innocent and precious Walt Disney makes the little girl if the best is prepared for Satan's delight (a Satanic sacrifice).  The whole concept of pan being a good character in NARNIA is Satanic in itself.  Pan is widely recognized by witches and Satanists as the god of fertility, an absolute pervert who can't get enough sex.  Pan is a pedophile.  Please Read, Further Into The Depths of Satan Concerning the sexual perversion of NARNIA.

Take a look at Pan's Labyrinth and you'll see where all these demonic movies are heading!

Walt Disney, 666, and Witchcraft

Notice in the photo to the left that there are three cleverly hidden 6's in the words "Walt Disney."  Also notice that Mickey mouse is wearing a sorcerer's hat and casting a magic spell.  Walt Disney is of the Devil, controlled by secret society Illuminist's who are trying to corrupt every child in America.  Satan is the god of this world, he operates primarily through secret occult societies and esoteric groups.  All of the worlds top political, corporate, financial, and media leaders are members of such Satanic organizations (such as Skull and Bones and Freemasonry).  Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree Freemason, an occult organization whose members are often guilty of pedophilia, but are never prosecuted --Please read Masonic Child Abusers (this website contains tons of information).  George Bush Sr. is a Freemason as well --Read about the Franklin Cover-ups, about the little boys being raped by Washington politicians.  In 1922, master Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason Aleister Crowley published Dairy of a Drug Fiend, which was about the use of cocaine.  He described the widespread use of cocaine among Hollywood stars, which he described as “cocaine-crazed sexual lunatics.”  Crowley died a wasted heroin addict given to rages and doubts.  His last words were “I am perplexed…” Crowley worshipped the demon god Pan, the god of sexuality and lust.  His “Hymn to Pan” was read at his funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without end!”   There is the demonic debauchery behind nearly everything nowadays, from music to Movies.  Don't believe it?  Did you know that Johnny Cash sang 2 songs written by Danzig, a known Satanist.  Dolly Parton recently sang and re-popularized Led Zeppelin's demonic Stairway to Heaven.  Satan is creeping in everywhere!!! 

Just in case you still don't believe me that Walt Disney is straight from Hell, keep reading.

Walt Disney and Sexual Perversion


I think the photos speak for themselves

The word "sex" written in the sky ("The lion king")


Notice the woman at the window ("The Rescuers").  I added the white spots to cover her bare breasts.  Walt Disney's perverts thinks it's cute to place porno in their movies.  

A scene from Roger Rabbit.  I had to block out a big section to hide the indecency.

Disney, not to be outdone...

The Disney corporation appears to be focusing their sexual degradation on young girls instead of young boys. The obvious effect of creating cartoon rides out of sex toys can have no other intent than to lead our young children... boys AND girls... our precious future... down the path of emotional developmental mind control.

 In Disney's Fantasia, the Sorcerer's name is Yensid, which is "Disney" spelled backward.

Author: by David J. Stewart