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1 Dec 2020

The Banner That Crashes COF IG App Today!

Hey bloggers and readers😄

Today's Instagram post caused my IG App crashed totally! 

I realised it's getting high reach about 9k+ and counting within 5 hours of posting it. I uninstalled and installed it back and enter all the details again for all the IG I am managing including COF. The difference I noticed upon installing it back is COF IG went back to the old format, not the new interface they have rolled out recently! I don't know if everyone got that newest ridiculous features of IG, although it wasn't all rolled out on all IG accounts I manage.

CollectionOfFirst IG has been shadowbanned for a long time but it's only in the recent week that the algorithm coming back for some insights report better than before again. Not sure how this will last but I guess I keep posting awareness against the theatrical tyranny of THE MATRIX system we have been living for many decades!

I'm afraid we get so much FLUORIDATED STARES whenever we go out there and at least exercise our freedom to inhale the TRUE SCIENCE OF OXYGEN and not the other EVIL conditioning WAY around of wearing face masks!

Here's maybe the post that caused the stir on my IG app crashed. I embed it here while it is live but I will post a screenshot for a backup.

Let me put a Screenshot here in case IG change their mind...! Who knows what they up to?

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